Saturday, March 28, 2009

Top 5 Most Popular Reality TV

Since reality TV seems as if it is not going anywhere for some time yet, I Felt the need to see what the most popular TV show is. Well here are the top 5 on’s list of the 100 most popular TV shows.
In the fifth spot of the most popular is The Girls Next Door. This show airs on E, featuring Hugh Hefner and his three most recent girlfriends: Holly, Bridget, and Kendra. Unfortunately more recently, these relationships have fallen apart for Hef, Holly was caught cheating on him with Chris Angel. Kendra also has found a new life with Eagles receiver Hank Baskett III, and they are now engaged to be married shortly. And as for Bridget, she now has her own TV series on the Travel Channel, Bridget’s Sexiest Beaches.
The forth spot on the list brings us Survivor, which again is in its 18th season on CBS.
In spot number three is America’s Next Top Model, brought to you by Tyra Banks herself. Currently this series is on its’ 12th cycle, airing on the CW Wednesday’s at 7.
In second place we have Hell’s Kitchen. This FOX show features world-renowned chef Gordon Ramsay in his fifth course of the sizzling unscripted series HELL'S KITCHEN. The show follows wannabe chefs as they slice and dice their way through each episode, vying for Ramsay's attention in hopes of winning a life-changing culinary prize.
And finally at the top of the list we find none other than, American Idol, which is truly what this show has become for many Americans, an idol. Currently in its 8th season on Fox, this No. 1 hit series empowers contestants and viewers to share their voice in deciding who will be America's next singing superstar.
Well, there they are the top five most popular reality TV shows on’s top 100 list.


  1. Hey!
    I have never even heard of Hell's Kitchen, so I was kind of surprised that that would be in the top five of the most popular reality TV shows! I think it is pretty sweet that a TV show like American Idol and Survivor can still be in the top five after that many seasons and with new shows coming out all the time!

  2. I would definitely put American Idol at the top of my list. I watch that show moreso than any other reality show. I sometimes watch Hell's Kitchen, but hardly ever any of the other ones. I also think it's sweet that American Idol can sitll be in the top 5 after all these years. I've never seen Survivor but I also think it's amazing it's still doing strong in popularity.

    Good post!

  3. Good information Brookylnn, I’m also doing reality TV. I can’t believe that Survivor is still on the top list, that show is so old! I have never really watched it or a full episode but I find that it’s not very interesting so I was really surprised when I found out in my search of most popular shows. American Idol is still very popular and I always hear people talking about it so it’s easy to see why it would be on a top 5 list.

  4. It was cool to see the top 5 shows.
    The Girls next door is a show that I watch sometimes and was sad to see that the girls were leaving! However, I guess what would you expect? Did everyone really think that they would live with a wrinkle old man forever!?
    I love america's next top model! Its one of my favorite shows. I also think its funny to see what is considered high fashion when i think that a lot lf the stuff is just plain ugly!
    I also have never heard of the Hell's Kitchen show.
